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global warming
What is global warming? The Earth is getting hotter for a number of reasons, including the greenhouse effect, pollution and carbon emmissions.VIDEOGRAPHIC
Global Warming
Diplomats convene in Bonn Monday for the last five-day negotiating session before 195 nations try to ink a global climate pact in December. The UN talks have made progress toward an agreement, but consensus remains elusive on many crucial points.VIDEOGRAPHIC
Global Warming
What is global warming? The Earth is getting hotter for a number of reasons, including the greenhouse effect, pollution and carbon emmissions. VIDEOGRAPHIC
Global Warming
Global warming
global warming............ <br />no comment.........
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Global warming
The UN Climate Conference will begin in Bonn on Monday to prepare the text for the global climate agreement in Paris at the end of the year. Experts warn of devastating and irreversible consequences if global warming is not quickly and sharply limited.VIDEOGRAPHIC
Global Warming
Global Warming
Global Warming
What is global warming? The Earth is getting hotter for a number of reasons, including the greenhouse effect, pollution and carbon emmissions.VIDEOGRAPHIC